My Tupa (Great-grandmother.) RIP

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The text "Superman's song," and "Watchmen," both have a commonality which is that neither Superman nor the superheros in "Watchmen" were getting paid, and that they were doing good deeds just for the good of the people. "Superman never made any money For saving the world from Solomon Grundy" and Rorchach never charged a fee when he rescued a women from being raped. His "family [was] all dead" but he didn't let that get in the way of his duties as Superman. Rorchach didn't have family, but didn't let that get in the way of his obligation as an opposition to evil. Superman believed in a just society, that protected the innocent and dealt with criminals and evil doers in a fair manner. Rorchach also believed in a just society that protected the innocent. However the criminals and evil doers were dealt what he believed they deserved. The text "Superman's Song" and the novel "Watchmen," have many commonalities such as the fact that they don't get paid, they act in what they believe, and that they act in the better interest of others.

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